Empowering Widows Through Small Businesses
According to recent data, there are 55 million widows in India, representing nearly 10% of the female population.
Many widows are thrown out of family homes or abandoned by in-laws. Unfortunately, without a man by their side, women have no respect in rural Indian society and are considered outcast and not permitted to remarry.
While some widows receive monthly support from organizations, we focus on empowering those who are able to work by helping them start small businesses. As these women gain financial independence, they relinquish their support, allowing resources to be redirected to widows who cannot work.
With investments as small as $150, we have helped launch 29 widow-owned businesses. One inspiring example is Lily, a seamstress and widow coordinator in her village. With an electric sewing machine, she now earns a living, shares her income with others, and teaches fellow widows to sew—helping them build their own paths to independence.